I went to bed last night extremely nervous about starting the 3 Day Refresh this morning. I woke up a few times, and got up around 7:10. I had my 10 ounces of water, and got my kiddo up. I then went to my phone and set alarms for when I needed to be eating and drinking everything. What I didn't take into account was the time it would take to consume these. So as the day went on, as I finished something, I'd set the next alarm forward. The upside? I know my alarm system is perfect for tomorrow.
Breakfast consisted of a cup of diced watermelon (Yum!) and some good ol' chocolate Shakeology. They recommend having breakfast within an hour of waking, so this was around 7:50. I blended my Shakeology with water and ice, but I missed the milk I usually use. To kind of make up for that, in went some pure vanilla extract. I usually have Shakeology for breakfast anyways, so this meal didn't feel too much different. Combine my Shakeo with the fruit? I was FULL.
9:30am, I got my morning tea. Just some organic green tea with some liquid stevia. I am not a huge green/ herbal hot tea fan. I'm an earl grey girl all the way, but it did help to fill me up. I noticed myself feeling hungry thirty minutes after breakfast. I don't know if this was in anticipation for the rest of the day.
10:40 ish, and it was morning snack time. Let me tell you, I was NOT excited to try the Fiber Sweep drink. I heard many a dissatisfied review from my friends. I knew that I NEEDED this cleanse though, so into my Nutribullet it went. In the time it took me to take a photo of this delightful concoction, it had begun to thicken already. Note to self for the next few days: blend it with more water, screw the picture, get it down ASAP. The consistency was the only off-putting thing about it though. It tasted like lemon water to me. It would not be my drink of choice given the option, but it's ONLY three days.
I waited until 12:20 ish to have lunch, still nervous that I'd be hungry. This included my first Vanilla Fresh Drink, along with 2 medium stalks of celery, hummus, and half of a large orange. This was my favorite meal of the day. I would have NEVER guessed that celery and hummus was something I'd look forward to.

My afternoon snack ended up being sometime after 2. I had a cup of sliced cucumber, and 2 Tbsp of hummus. Delightful.
For my afternoon tea, I decided to ice it. SO much better this way. It was nice to drink with my food. I did forget about my tea halfway down, so this pushed my dinner til about 7
Dinner! Coconut Steamed Veggies. Can you say yum?! Not a huge fan of veggie broth, kinda tastes like boiled carrots to me, but a cup is not a big deal.
You do get a second Vanilla Fresh for the day with dinner. I chose to have that a little later as dessert. It worked out well because SOMEHOW, I felt full with just some veggies and broth.
Evening Tea was optional, and I didn't really want it, so I decided that water would be enough. I can always have it later should I change my mind.
Throughout the day, you NEED to be drinking a lot of water. I've been getting better about drinking AT LEAST half my body weight in ounces, but man did I chug it down today. I didn't track past 4 of my shaker cups of water (100 ounces), which is a significant amount of water for me, and BOY was I paying for it in bathroom trips :)
Total weight loss and inches lost: I took my starting weight and measurements. I weigh myself in the mornings so we'll see tomorrow!
How does your clothing fit? No changes noticed
Sleep: Last night I tossed and turned as I always do. I think I woke up two or three times, and it took a short while for me to fall back asleep
Peak moment of today: Realizing that I LIKE celery...What?!
Pit moment of today: Watching the boyfriend eat tortellini stuffed with sausage..and have the whole house smell like delicious sausage. And not being able to have any.
Cravings: Cookies, roasted potatoes, tortellini, milk, and tortilla chips. I don't know if these were cravings so much as me thinking about what foods I want to eat after these three days.
Symptoms: I felt hungry between my meals, but not so much so that it got in the way of my day to day activities. As I write this, I have a slight headache. Detoxing is NOT FUN people.
Emotional state: Optimistic, exhausted, excited, hungry(I found an emotional trigger for my unhealthy eating habbits. Hurrah!)
Most looking forward to: Seeing some freakin' fantastic results, being able to say that I made it through the 3Day Refresh
Do you want to know more about the 3 Day Refresh? Find me on facebook. www.facebook.com/erikakamezaki, or send me an email at erika.kamezaki@gmail.com and let's chat
Don't want to wait? Buy the 3 Day Refresh here:
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