

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hey, out of shape girl.

Hey, you, out of shape girl.

Yes, you. The one staring into the ground when you run to avoid meeting the eye of the other people you pass. The one with earbuds in, avoiding letting yourself fully be a part of the environment around you. I see you wincing with each breath. I see you pumping your arms to propel you forward. I see you persevering. Even underneath the too many layers you used to cover up your body.

The one in the back of the class, dripping with sweat. Tilting your head back running through the list of reasons you came tonight. Running through your WHY. Why you went despite your anxiety. Why you did it anyways. 
The one who works out at home, letting your grunts of pain and effort out. The one taking more breaks than time spent working out. Silently (or not so silently) cursing at the trainers on the screen. Collapsing when the workout ends. I see you. And I have something to say to you. 
You are amazing. Truly.
If you’d just reach out to me, and take that hard step, you would know the reverence and respect I have for you. The journey you've begun is tremendous. I could tell you JUST HOW CLOSE you are to a deeper sense of happiness, health, confidence, hell....freedom. The life you will receive from your consistency will far exceed the monumental struggle you feel now, to face your fears and to bravely set yourself in motion, in front of others. To LEAD without even really intending to.
You have already begun your transformation. You no longer accept this physical state of uncomfortability. You have taken the BIGGEST step to propel you forward into a lifestyle you can't even begin to imagine. Each day, the movements become more fluid. You can hold a little longer, lift a little more, push a little harder.  Each time you get up, and show up, you take one baby step (of incredible significance) toward this thrilling place. A place where you hold yourself to a higher standard, but give yourself GRACE. Where you understand your body better, and make better decisions for it. A place where you feel so profoundly happy, that you cannot imagine ever going back. 
You’re an inspiration to me. And, if you’d give me a few moments of your time, you would know that I and so many others, the ones that probably make you feel so inadequate, stare in awe of your determination. They, of all people, know best where you are coming from. Do you know how many are still saying, "I'll start tomorrow"? Yet here you are, day after day, giving it your all.
You are a bossbabe (or bossman), and no one can take that away from you. You are relentlessly and consistently taking the steps towards your goals. You are stronger than you think, and you are about to be so very amazed by what you can DO. One day, very soon, maybe tomorrow, you’ll see a photo, or do something you haven't done in a while and it will suddenly just click. You will not believe your own progress, you will realize that you CAN do this! And suddenly you will find that the goals you had set for yourself, were set FAR too low!
I bow to you. I support YOU. And you know what? I WAS you. 
Every ounce of my love,

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