

Monday, August 11, 2014

Do You Measure Up?

Do you remember when your parents measured your height on a growth chart, or a door frame? My dad did. Mine was on the post of our bunk beds.

He had me stand against the wall, feet flat, and tall as I could. He'd hold a ruler up to make sure it was my true height. That little sharpie mark was SO cool. I was a centimeter, inch, a tiny little bit, taller and I was PROUD. Between the measurements, I'd run up, hold my hand at the top of my head, and try to see if I'd grown. My dad didn't measure me against my sister, even though we had our marks side by side. He didn't measure me against himself, or my best friend. I was only measured against MYSELF. When did I lose this mentality?

When you measure your growth, be it personal, emotional, business wise, or anything else, ONLY measure yourself against your past self. If you compare yourself to someone else, how is that being fair to you? How is that helpful? Don't compare your relationships, successes, businesses, families, friends, body, mind or ANYTHING else against others. YOU are your ONLY competition. When you start comparing yourself, that's when the joy dies. Whatever you focus on in your life E X P A N D S. If you're constantly talking negatively to yourself (out loud or in your head) that will only bring you down. If you focus on the positive, you'll see it everywhere (like the people who buy a new car, and suddenly see it all over the place)

Start a gratitude journal. It can be on napkins, envelopes, a one subject notebook, or a fancy leather bound one. I don't care where, just write. Every morning or night, sit for five minutes in quiet with no distractions and reflect on the past 24 hours. Write down 3 or more things you're grateful for. Do it for a week and I promise you'll see some positive mojo happen. Do it for a year? Can you imagine? 

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for the amount of dignity and respect you expect from others. 

Imagine the effect positive thinking can have. So, when you look back in a year, will you measure up?

My guess is that you will. Strive for progress instead of perfection, and I think you'll turn out just fine.


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